Life could not be more perfect. My thoughts echoed this while I sat on the Plain of Nysa, Calypso weaving flowers we picked into my hair as she braided it. The other Oceanids were chatting as they continued to pick the crocus, iris, hyacinth, rose, lilies, and narcissus flowers that swayed in the gentle breeze. The latter flower I twirled in my finger, admiring the bright yellow center. I looked up as I heard the whiz of an arrow cutting through the air. My eyes found it just as it hit its mark in the center of a crudely carved target in a nearby tree.
"I win again dear sister," Artemis said smugly as she lowered her bow.
"By a mere centimeter," Athena huffed. Her previous arrow had landed just above the center of the circle they had carved. They had been competing for well over an hour with Artemi always winning with just a tad more precision. The quiver of arrows they had shared finally lay empty at their feet in the tall grass.
"Don't be such a sore loser. I am better with a bow but I do not have your talent with a sword." Artemis bent over to pick up her quiver and slung it over her back. She pulled her blonde braid out from behind her back and draped it over her shoulder. "Want to go again?"
"Hmm perhaps," Athena said thoughtfully. "But only if you can beat me there!" She called behind her as she raced toward the tree. Artemis threw her head back in laughter and chased after her sister.
I hugged my knees into my chest and sighed contentedly as the sun warmed the golden skin on my face. Every day the nymphs and I would come here and play to our hearts' content with Artemis and Athena sometimes joining us. We were left to our own devices often, what with our parents constantly busy fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of being gods and goddesses. The nymphs were children of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. Their home was the ocean, which we visited and played in often. Today we decided we needed a change in scenery and were lucky to find this plain covered in beautiful flowers. I was grateful that the nymphs allowed me to accompany them. My mother, Demeter, did not have any other children. Since I did not know the identity of my father, I was unaware of any siblings and would otherwise be alone without the company of the Oceanids.
While my mother tried to spend as much time with me as possible, she was often very busy. She was the goddess of agriculture, making her invaluable to humans. She received many prayers, offerings, temples, and requests in her honor. She was well respected and admired by all, for she allowed the humans to live bountiful lives and thus gave more offerings to the gods. even the beautiful narcissus I twirled in my fingers now due to her gift.
She was very protective over her creations, and I was no exception. I was often accompanied by the nymphs, Artemis, Athena, or even sometimes Hecate if my mother was not around. I rarely ventured far from the temple erected for my mother about 5 miles from here. My life was quiet and content, so I felt guilty for acknowledging the itchy feeling under my skin that wanted to seek more. I wanted to travel to human cities and sit with the gods and goddess on Olympus. For some reason, my mother prevented me from doing either. I had recently confronted her on this, expressing my desires to integrate myself with cultures beyond the remote farmlands.
“My dearest Kore,” my mother sighed as she brushed through my hair. She sat in a marble chair in the temple and I sat on the floor in front of her as she brushed through the tangles in the blonde curls. “It’s not you I worry about. You are the greatest gift in my life and I fear that others will witness your beauty and kindness and destroy your gentle soul.” She let each section of hair fall over my shoulder as she finished detangling it. I felt this methodical process soothed my mother as much as it did me. Now she brushed a bit harder, as if the uncomfortable question had torn her from her hypnotic state.
“I am capable of handling myself. You’ve taught me well,” I countered. I wasn’t sure why I had decided to push this point that night, but the longing for change had been keeping me up at night and making me more distant during the day. I couldn’t shake the feeling from deep within me. I was very capable. Demeter was beloved, but also fearsome and powerful. The ground would tremble and trees would bend to her will when she entered a fit of rage. Once, a small village had failed to provide offerings for three months and she prevented any grass from growing for a month, killing off some of their livestock and starving their village until they again provided offerings. Artemis and Athena would tell me stories of Demeter speaking her mind amongst the Olympians, even contesting the judgement of the mighty Zeus and winning. I was no different in my temperament.
My mother paused and set the brush down. I turned to face her and saw her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I know you are. There are just some people, and some gods, who would see that as a challenge rather than a deterrent.” I grasped her hands in mine and tried to give a comforting smile.
“I can surely learn to hold my own just as you have. I have been feeling unusually restless lately. I want to experience something new.” My life has been very predictable thusfar, which is not uncommon for the children of gods and goddesses. Usually they atempt to stay out of their parents’ way for most of their lives to prevent angering them or becoming a tool for bargaining amongst the gods. I am lucky enough to have a good relationship with my mother that I do not believe that to be an issue. Demeter worried her lip, her gaze becoming unfocused. She seemed to be contemplating something internally. I waited patiently as her eyes darted back and forth before becoming focused again.
“I have been protecting you for a very long time because I fear that your father will use you for his own gain.” She shut her eyes quickly as if even mentioning him was painful. My breath caught in my throat. My mother would very rarely mention my father and only when it was absolutely necessary. I tried not to move or make a sound, hoping my mother would recover and continue to share more about how I came to be. I felt as if i was missing a crucial piece of who I was - that maybe my need to explore came from my need to understand lineage and who I was.
“Your father is Zeus,” Demeter whispered, her eyes still closed.
I was dumbfounded. This had explained why my mother was so cautious with me. Zeus was the king of the gods and had eyes everywhere. The Fates were not often kind to the offspring of Zeus, and there were many, many examples. My mother was uncharacteristically quiet and I could gather what had happened. The women that pursued by Zeus suffered an even worse fate either by Zeus himself or his wife. Since my mother was not banished from Olympus, I assumed the former. I squeezed her hands and smiled at her. I was unsure what to say but I wanted to comfort her.
She smiled sadly, eyes glistening as she reached up to stroke my hair. “You are my greatest gift, Kore. I cannot bear the thought of the same happening to you.”
Calypso placed the finished plait over the side of my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts. She stood up and stretched her lower back and her fingers.
“I’ve been sitting for too long. Let’s play a game,” she declared.
A few of the nymphs in the nearby lake looked up. They had also begun to get bored but none of us wanted to venture back just yet.
“How about hide and seek?” Elektra suggested, pulling herself up and out of the water. “I’ll count to 100 while you all hide!” She placed her hands over her eyes and began counting at a dramatically dragged out pace. A few nymphs dove under water to hide among the vegetation. I sprung up to my feet and glanced around. There was no way I would be able to hold my breath as long as a sea nymph so I would have to stay on land. “Come on, Persephone!” Calypso grabbed my hand and dragged me to the right towards the edge of the meadow where thick woods stood. She expertly dodged over tree roots and under thick branches until she found a tree with the biggest trunk. We could still hear Elektras voice calling “49…50…51,” as we ducked behind the oak tree. We giggled to ourselves and sunk down to the ground.
“Persephone,” Calypso whispered, “your whole right side is poking out! I don’t think we can both hide here.” I looked over and saw she was right. Scanning around I saw a thick brush low to the ground deeper into the woods. I nodded to her and whispered good luck before sprinting toward the brush. Elektra had to be cheating because she had somehow already gotten to 80 when I was only halfway there. I picked up my pace, looking down to avoid roots and sticks that could trip me only to knock into a tree so hard I landed on my backside in the dirt. I yelped and rubbed my head, trying to get my bearings again only to be met with another pair of eyes.
It had not been a tree I ran into but a man. He was rubbing his chest where I must have practically head butted him, looking just as confused and disgruntled as I felt.
“Oh my I’m so sorry!” I said, pushing myself up to my feet. I went to say more but I was caught up in this man’s face. He was very tall with dark brown eyes and silver hair that hung in soft waves around his hard jaw. His eyes lit with curiosity as he took me in as well with his lips parted thoughtfully.
“…99…100… ready or not here I come!” I heard Elektra faintly from where we stood in the open. I panicked and pulled the man the rest of the way toward the brush and down onto the ground where we were both concealed. Only when we were both hidden did the absurdity of what I’d done hit me and I looked back toward the strange man I’d pulled into this game. I was relieved to see his lip curled up on one side as if he was barely containing his laughter. He sat crouched over as to not give away our position. He seemed more than content to play along. I tried to ignore that he was close enough for me to feel heat radiating from his pale skin.
“Do you always kidnap people you run into,” he chuckled lowly near my ear causing tiny shivers to race up my spine. I began to realize he was far too handsome to be mortal and thanked my luck I hadn’t accidentally angered a god. My cheeks burned with embarrassment for wrangling a god into a childish game.
“Not usually. Only when winning is at stake.” I pointed to a nearby tree where I could see a flash of brown hair where another nymph was hiding. He craned his neck around to look and nodded in understanding. He leaned onto his elbow and laid on his side, seemingly getting comfortable. Far away, I could hear a screech as one of the nymphs was discovered. I decided the sound was far enough away to talk quietly.
“I’m Persephone. Thanks for playing along.”
“Persephone,” he said as if he were tasting my name on his tongue. He made my name sound like a delicious piece of chocolate, dark and sweet in his mouth. I felt goosebumps race across my arms at the sound. Alarm bells sounded off in my brain at having such a reaction to a strange god I had never met. I felt I should know his face but simply could not place him. My mother had introduced me to nearly every Olympian and their immediate children near her temple, but I’d never seen this god in person before.
“I had been rather upset to be rammed into during a nice stroll through the woods. That was of course before I realized I’d been run into by the most beautiful goddess I’d ever seen. And quite a fast runner might I add,” his voice was dark and teasing. The alarms grew louder in my mind. He thought I was beautiful? Was he the kind of god my mother was worried about finding me? I scooted away slightly. He didn’t move a muscle, the flirty grin wiped from his face. His head tilted slightly to the side as he watched me. At least he didn’t look angry, just curious.
“And who are —“ my question was cut off as he placed a hand over my mouth and placed a finger over his own. I narrowed my eyes at him in an angry glare but soon heard the crunching sound of footsteps nearby. I slowly turned to look over the side of the brush as the sound of footsteps grew louder. I felt the god’s heat against my tan skin and felt his breath in the shell of my ear.
“I hope we meet again, Persephone.” He whispered.
I began to turn around as Elektra jumped out from the other side of the brush. I nearly jumped out of my skin and gasped at the sudden shock. She giggled and pulled me up.
“Found ya! Nice hiding spot.” She smiled and I saw 6 nymphs behind her, already found. I quickly turned to where the god had been lounging next to me but not a trace of him was there.
I watched from behind the bark of a hollow tree nearby as the curious goddess scanned the ground where I had just been. She seemed to frown to herself before the nymph that was the seeker pulled her along to find the other players. I could hear their twinkling laughter like chimes on a breeze as they pranced back toward the plains.
My eyes did not leave the golden halo that was Persephone’shair until they moved beyond the forest. My heart still raced in my chest long after they’d moved on.
I was surprised she did not know immediately who I was since my reputation seems to proceed me. There are always whispers of the dreadful Hades and the terrifying god of the dead but she seemed either unaware or uncaring. Strange that I’ve never heard of this goddess before, it’s not like full blooded goddesses are born everyday. Even stranger is how I cannot shake the vision of her mossy eyes on mine or the feeling of her tan skin touching mine.
I shook myself from my thoughts and brushed my hand against the bark concealing me. Underneath me, the grass opened up to reveal the hidden staircase I used to travel to these woods. I took one look back toward where she had gone with the other nymphs before venturing down, down, down into the darkness.
The staircase descends for thousands of steps before reaching the bottom of a cliff side that opens up to an expansive river and massive gates that loom on the opposite bank. Beyond this is where my kingdom lies. Deep underneath the earth was the Underworld, hushed and shadowed as if in eternal slumber. However, life here was anything but quiet. I was ruler of the most expansive kingdoms. Every living being passes through my kingdom at some point, earning me the title of The One Who Receives Many Guests. At the bank of the River Styx now was what seemed to be a mother and her young son in her arms. He was clutching his arms around her neck tightly as Charon's boat approached.
“Welcome,” I said softly as I approached. The mother’s arm tightened around her son as she gazed up at me. Her clothes appeared dirty and torn. Her eyes were trained on me, wary but also so exhausted.
“Where are we,” she said looking around.
“I’m afraid you’re in the Underworld.”
“Lord Hades,” she gasped and bowed deeply. “I apologize for my hostility.”
She straightened and the young boy turned to look at me. He looked to be no older than 5 and seemed very afraid as he clutched onto his mother. His clothes and hair were in no better shape than his mother’s. I heard the crunching of dirt as Charon’s boat beached in front of us. The sound startled the woman as she took in the cloaked figure aboard. She suddenly hung her head, her voice becoming wobbly as she spoke.
“We wouldn’t be able to afford coins for crossing.”
Charon waited quietly as the woman began crying softly. I reached into my pocket and retrieved two gold coins. I reached over and placed the coins into his outstretched palm. The woman’s head sprung up at the clanging sound of the two coins joining the others in his pocket. Her incredulous gaze turned to me as I stretched out my hand.
“Do you mind terribly if I join you on your journey?”
“O-of course not,” she said, dumbfounded. She took my hand as I helped her board the boat. She sat down in the middle, placing her son in her lap. I pushed the boat off the beach and hoisted myself inside before sitting at the bow of the boat. Charon nodded his thanks to me and began rowing at a steady pace. The sloshing of the water was the only sound for the first few minutes.
“Thank you,” the woman said quickly, bowing her head again, “for paying our toll to make this journey.”
I waved her off, hoping she would relax. “You are guests here. You are not punished for dying, simply part of a different kingdom. I hope you make yourselves comfortable here.”
She looked around at the river whose water was too dark to see through and the looming gates on the other side. She wet her bottom lip and cleared her throat.
“Is all of the underworld…like this?”
I chuckled lightly at her obvious discomfort.
“No, this is merely meant to keep people out. You’ll find the rest of the underworld to look much more familiar than you’d expect.”
She nodded, uncertainly. We were drawing close enough to the other bank now that Cerberus could be seen, guarding the gates of the Underworld. Cerberus did his duty quite well, stopping trespassers in their tracks with one of his three mighty jaws. He almost blended in with the wall with his shiny black coat if it wasn’t for his piercing red eyes. Although, welcome guests easily passed by Cerberus; he could even be quite playful if he felt like it. Charon cleared his throat, breaking the silence.
“How was your trip above, Lord Hades?” Charon’s voice was a hum of a few voices mixed together - young and old, male and female. It was altogether rather unsettling if you’re not expecting it. The woman’s eyes widened a bit but she did not speak. The boy in her lap kept tugging at her fingers, trying to keep himself occupied. I waved my hand and summoned a stuffed animal in the shape of my loyal Cerberus into my palm. I slowly placed my hand in front of the boy as an offering. He peered up at me, checking my expression cautiously. I gave him a smile and nodded to encourage him. He plucked the toy from my hand and held it to himself, releasing his mothers fingers. “Thank you,” the mother whispered to me. I gave her a small smile and watched her ease grow.
“Good,” I finally answered Charon as we reached the opposite bank of the Styx. I leaped out into the water and pulled the boat the rest of the way onto shore and helped the mother and son off.
“I didn’t expect you back so soon. Did you find what you were looking for?” I thought I could hear a knowing grin in his distorted voice. I never told him the reason for my journey above the Underworld, but he always seemed to know my intentions.
“Perhaps,” I mused as I pushed the boat back out into the river. Charon hummed thoughtfully to himself. I turned around to lead the newcomers through the gates as he drifted back out.
“Perhaps I shall be ferrying a new soul sooner than expected.” His voice carried on a nonexistent wind as we approached Cerberus. Cerberus craned his three heads down to our eye level. The mother began trembling slightly as air blew in and out of Cerberus’ noses as he scented us. The small brown hairs on the child’s head ruffled and he giggled in delight. Cerberus’ center head titled in curiosity and the boy continued to giggle and reach out for him. The woman gasped as a tiny spot of pink peeked out from behind gleaming white teeth. Cerberus licked the boy on the side of the face as he squealed in delight. Cerberus raised all of his heads again and the doors behind him creaked as they pushed open.
“Welcome to your new home,” I said as I led them through the gates. A wide cobblestone road led from the gates through a great city. Thousands of wooden and stone buildings circled a town center and continued on for miles. The center was a large open space with vendors and carts surrounding it. There were many markets, festivals, and social gatherings that happened there. In the center was a big fountain made from white marble that filtered some of the underground water through the top spout. As we approached the fountain, I peered down. I was met by my own piercing black eyes and pale face, but beyond that, shiny coins winked back at me. So many wonderful traditions continued on long after death and making wishes was no exception.
“We’ll get you all settled in,” I nodded to the mother and son, taking them forward through the rows of housing, each one a unique shape and color that reflected the personalities of the souls living within. We finally reached a row of houses that were gray and empty, waiting to be filled and decorated.
“What’s that place?” The boy asked, pointing beyond the houses to a cliffside with an odd shape carved halfway up its length that looked like a half moon.
“That’s my house,” I replied, smiling. “So I can watch over all of you.”
I wanted my home to look as ingrained in the Underworld as I felt. Many gods and rulers had opulent looking temples and structures built in their honor. While I spared no expenses inside (I am also the God of Riches, after all), I didn’t want it to appear unapproachable. I serve the people of the underworld as much as they serve me. From the crescent shaped landing, I can look out and over my people. I stay far enough to allow them space to thrive on their own but close enough to enjoy the sights of daily life.
The boy looked back at the rocky structure.
“It looks far away,” he observed.
“Not too far. I’ll always be around. Why don’t you both settle in,” I suggested.
I smiled encouragingly as they both waved and ventured inside their new home. I started toward my home, strolling through the paved walkways through the town. As the houses became more and more sparse, my focus began to wander to the stairwell winding back and forth up through the cliffside. Near the top was a cavern that lead to the surface. I wondered what Persephone was doing now. Would she still wonder about me or immediately wipe the memory from her mind? I stopped in front of my door, looking to my right up the staircase as if I could hear her calling from the top.
The next day we fell back into routine, playing games, picking flowers, and sunning ourselves in the midday light. Although, today I could feel curiosity pushing my eyes toward the treeline. I wondered if I would find that strange God lurking in the shadows of the forest. I was aware that my curiosity was mostly fueled by the fact that I had never met another god unaccompanied by my mother, or by a chaperone of some sort, so it was refreshing. Perhaps it helped that he was not the worst looking god by far either.
“What do you keep staring at?” Calypso didn’t even open her eyes against the sun on her face. She was laying in the soft grass with her hair splayed out all around her.
“I think I’m going to go exploring,” I said before I lost my nerve. I couldn’t resist the possibility of seeing him again. I wanted to at least know his name so i could find out more about him. I supposed I could describe him to the Oceanids and see if one of them knew who he was, but I felt a thrill about keeping this to yself, like he was my little secret. I pressed myself up to my feet.
“Do you want me to go with you?”
I smiled knowing she was asking to be a good friend and not because she wanted to. She looked pretty comfortable in her favorite sunbathing spot. “No, it’s okay. I’ll be right back.”
I started off toward the forest. The trees seemed to tower over me more and more as I drew closer. At the treeline I took a deep breath. What am I doing? Surely a god is not lounging around a random forest waiting for me to come by again. The only thing that waited for me was more of the same afternoons I’ve had for months. I hoped at least a quick stroll would provide some excitement. With that I stepped through, admiring the dancing shadows as the trees swayed in the gentle breeze.
After a while, I could hear the bubbling of running water and continued toward the noise. It drew me deeper until I approached a large river with water rushing quickly around scattered stones. On the bank was a tree with large branches low to the ground. I hoisted myself up, nearly sliding down the trunk. I settled in the crook of the branch and rubbed my hands on the side of my clothes, trying to soothe the scratches. I yawned. The sound of the bustling river lulled me and I leaned my head back against the tree trunk. Soon after closing my eyes, I drifted into sleep.
I listened for the sounds of her companions nearby but heard nothing except for the river and the distant call of birds. I sat down in the grass and plucked out blades of grass while I thought to myself. I glanced up at her again, noting that she was obviously in a deep sleep. A flower brushed my hand, its bright orange center and soft white petals instantly recognizable. I plucked the narcissus and twirled it in my fingers. I should leave before she wakes to find me here watching her, but I couldn’t find it in myself to budge, though I wasn’t quite sure why. I pride myself in my kingdom. The underworld, despite what is commonly thought, is the largest of the three main kingdoms. It requires a lot of work to keep its inhabitants safe and content. I have been more than happy to devote myself to the needs of my people and it brings me joy to carry out the duties of my rulership. Lately, I’ve felt restless and a bit lonely as I look out upon my people. Although they admire me as I do them, I will always be a bit removed because of my position and they have families, friends, and community. I have my brothers, but it’s difficult to step away from our duties long enough to see each other.
I also have quite a reputation. The God of the Dead is quite a fearsome title that tends to scare off dieties and mortals alike. Since mortals do not want to call upon me in fear that I could somehow cause their death, I do not receive close to the amount of offerings that the other gods and goddesses do, which seoarates me even more from their status. Usually, I don’t mind. I have found friends in Charon, Thanatos, Hecate, and Hermes. Even so, I’ve felt a void in my existence.
A rabbit crossed in front of me, nibbling on the blades of grass I’d pulled up. I leaned over to hand it the stem of the flower, but ended up startling the poor creature. It quickly hopped away, snapping a few twigs in its escape. My eyes darted up to where Persephone now stirred in her sleep. In an instant, I transported myself to the branch right above hers, peering into the narcissus I still had clasped in my fingers.
“Here I thought you’d never wake,” I teased as her eyelids fluttered open, widening as the stared directly up at me.
“Ah!” I started from my sleep at his voice.
I began wobbling on my branch unsteadily. I quickly lowered my legs and used my thighs to squeeze around the branch. Surely, I must have been half asleep and imagined the handsome god sitting above me. I drew in a breath and glanced up to find him lounging above me, looking rather amused. My cheeks burned and I glared back at him, growing irritated. I wonder if he meant to startle me on purpose. How long had he been watching me sleep? Had he been any closer?
“It’s a bit perverted to watch a maiden sleep, don’t you think?” I spat up at him. He had the audacity to throw his head back and laugh. His silvery hair danced around him as he did so.
“It’s only perverted if you assume I get some sort of enjoyment from it,” he purred.
“Well, do you?’
“Do I what,” he challenged.
“Get enjoyment from watching me sleep.”
“I much prefer you awake, Persephone.”
His voice dipped at the last comment. What a presumptuous god. I couldn’t understand how he was equal parts infuriating and intriguing. I was usually hidden from other gods’ prying eyes or politely introduced and whisked off. My mother wasn’t quite a fan of me having any suitors and after hearing about my father, I wasn’t surprised. I know she was trying to protect me, but life had become so monotonous with my limited interactions with the Oceanids and a few goddesses approved by her. I could be interested in Hades simply because he’s the first god I’ve been able to talk to alone, but I couldn’t help wondering about him since our last meeting.
I pulled myself up to my feet slowly, making sure to keep my balance on the slim branch. Now that I was closer I could more easily see his eyes, black and depthless as the night. I could see the reflection of the entire forest floor in his eyes. I crossed my arms in front of myself.
“Nice of you to remember my name, but such a shame I still don’t know yours.”
“How rude of me,” he replied with fake seriousness.
I was blinded by the light of the sun as the spot he occupied suddenly became vacant. Wondering if he had dropped to the ground, I peered down over the branch. I felt warm breath tickled the back of my ear and I gasped in surprise. I felt my right foot slip off of the side of the branch and I squeezed my eyes shut and braced for the fall. Before I had the chance to plummet, two strong arms shot out and wrapped around my waist. My heart was racing both from the anticipated fall and the feeling of him so close.
“My name is Hades,” he said, his voice low in my ear. My eyes widened and my head whipped around. I came practically nose to nose with the god. My brain seemed to short circuit from both his admission and the burning feeling of his hands at my waist. Did he really say Hades? The God of the Dead was so rarely seen above ground, if at all. What was one of the most powerful gods doing here, with me?
Hades was very still, seeming to watch my reaction. He was so focused that he hardly noticed two branches slowly wrapping themselves around his wrists. He broke eye contact and just noticed the leaves running up the length of his arms before he was hoisted into the air.
“And what exactly does the God of the Dead want from me,” I said with a straight spine. Hades hung limply in the grasp of the tree, his arms outstretched above him. I only briefly felt my fingers tremble. One of the most powerful gods was following me, talking with me, and I just captured him. It was amazing that he didn’t kill me where I stood for talking to him like that. Instead, Hades looked downright speechless.
“You are quite a powerful goddess,” he mused, pulling at his restraints. He looked back at me. “I do recall you being the one who ran into me,” he grunted.
I snapped my mouth shut. He did have a point. Although he easily could have planned for me to run into him for all I know. My mother taught me that everyone had their own agendas, especially egotistical gods like this one.
“You didn’t answer my question,” I reminded.
Hades heaved a deep sigh.
“I didn’t mean to run into you the first time. I came back hoping to find you because you seem to be a fascinating little goddess.”
“I am not a plaything,” I warned. The branches pulled each of his arms out to the side in opposite directions, stretching him. Hades grunted at the uncomfortable change. Although he was in obvious discomfort, he didn’t look the slightest bit deterred.
“Of course not,” he swore. “Only if you wanted to be.” He winked at me. Actually winked. It was absurd that he even had the ability to flirt with me from such a ridiculous position. He certainly was unlike any god I’d been introduced to thus far. Usually gods were very impatient and made their intentions clear within a few short words. Especially as a lesser goddess, many gods did not see me worth the time of day, Judging by his playful mood, he didn’t seem to be interested in being a threat to me. “Now, if you don’t mind, my nose itches.”
I waved my hands and the branches immediately retracted, which should have sent Hades plummeting to the ground. Instead, he reappeared next to me again. He held a narcissus flower out to me. I knew that Hades easily could have escaped my impromptu restraints whenever he felt like it. I may be strong, but I am no match for one of the big three, at least magically. He may be sincere in his attempts to talk with me but I needed to stay alert. Gods tended to be slippery with their words. Hesitantly, I reached out and took his offering. Our fingers brushed in the exchange and it felt like electricity shot up my hand. I quickly drew my hand back before the feeling continued. I smiled down at the delicate flower and a giggle began to bubble up in my throat. Hades didn’t look quite as amused.
“What is so funny, goddess?”
“Something about picturing the God of the Dead doing something as mundane as picking flowers is very amusing,” I said drawing in a shaky breath as the giggles subsided. The corner of his mouth ticked up slightly. I paused immediately as the small smile completely transformed his face. I didn’t realize how guarded and tired he looked before. I wondered what could be severe enough to distress him.
“Why don’t we get down from here and take a stroll,” Hades suggested. He lowered himself until he hung from the branch. He opened up his palms and dropped to the ground with a gentle thud. He brushed his hands off on his dark clothing and held up his hand to me epectantly. I furrowed my eyebrows together and opened my mouth but he quickly cut me off with a deep chuckle. “Believe me, I know you don’t need help. I simply like to offer. I do try to be a gentleman.”
I cocked my head slightly. What a strange god he was. I didn’t seem to have to prove myself to him. He didn’t seem interested in whisking me off or using my lineage against me. I peered beyond him to see if anyone had come looking for me yet, but did not see or hear Calypso or the other nymph. Feeling satisfied, I lowered myself and grabbed onto his hand. I jumped from the tree and fell against him. He gently set me on my feet, his face lingering just above mine. I felt all thoughts in my brain slow and all our surroundings fall away. I was entranced by the intense look in his black eyes as he looked into mine. This close to him, I could see dark stubble on his cheek and the pink color of his lips. He took a step back and let his hands fall away, breaking the trance.
“Let’s walk along the length of the Archeron. Many wonderful flowers bloom here,” he nodded behind me. Soon we fell into step beside each other. For now we walked in a comfortable silence, as if we were old friends sharing a stroll. I decided that strange was not unwelcome; in fact it was rather thrilling.
Helios was descending quickly across the sky as we walked, bathing us in the long shadows of the trees. Bushes rustled as small animals searched for food on the forest floor and deer grazed. It was a quiet day, I could easily hear the rustling of my skirt and my heart beating quickly in my ears. I glanced over to my companion, finding his eyes already on me.
“What brings you above ground?” The question bubbled out of me.
Hades turned his attention forward. He seemed to be debating how to answer. I turned my attention back forward too, trying to give him time to think. A pair of yellow butterflies danced around each other in front of us. They fluttered up and over our heads. I turned to watch them float away, back the way we came.
“I’ve been searching for something,” Hades said decidedly.
Taking the flower still clasped in my fingers, he tucked it into my hair. His fingers lingered for a moment, gently pushing back my hair. I felt my voice die in the back of my throat as I stood like a statue, afraid to break this trance we had entered. Hades’ hand dropped back to his side. His head was slightly cocked, looking at me with a serious face.
“Did you find it?” My voice came out smaller than I intended.
“Perhaps,” he murmured. “What about you? Why did you venture back here?”
“I don’t really know,” I shrugged, attempting to look nonchalant. I was drawn to the great oak tree in front of me. The bark was marred with thick slashed cutting across its width. I rubbed my hand over the marks, watching as the fibers in the wood pulled and stitched itself shut. I stepped back to admire my work, sighing as if I could hear the tree’s own relief.
I could still only do simpler works of growth and care of nature, but every little change I made brought me so much contentment. Hades stood at my side, also taking in my handiwork. The sunlight streaming through the treeline was becoming more orange in color, meaning it would grow dark soon.
“I have to start heading back,” I pointed out. I looked to Hades. “Will I…see you again?”
He looked openly taken aback by my answer. I tried to wrap my head around why and couldn’t come up with a reason why someone would not want to be around the handsome and quiet god. Somewhere high in the canopy, I heard a branch snap. I turned in that direction but didn’t see what caused the noise. A few seconds later I heard the faint beat of wings as the large bird flew away. Hades' eyes stayed trained on that spot for a moment before snapping back to me.
“If you would like to, we could meet here?”
I nodded. “Here, then.”
Unsure of what to do, I gave him a small wave goodbye and started walking the path where we came. I picked up my pace as I heard the nymphs moving back toward their home. Calypso called for me to hurry. I couldn’t help the silly smile that spread across my face as I walked back through the trees.
I wiped the sweat from my brow as the sun began approaching the horizon. All around me, small shoots of wheat lined up for miles as well as sprouts for beans, lentils, and chickpeas. I breathed in the scent of the freshly turned soil as I admired my work. A few men and women from this human village had ventured to my temple a few days ago, praying for a bountiful harvest, as their population began to boom. The babies were now old enough to eat the same food as the men and women and they absorbed some neighboring colonies to keep them safe from other cities. Humans were odd; they were always fighting with each other. By morning, they would have plenty of food and enough plants to keep their current population stable. I began to feel a bit dizzy and settled myself on a nearby rock. I watched the sun begin to dip behind the horizon as i steadied my breathing. Even though they had left a feast worth of offerings, I still have been weakening with every day. Maintaining enough food every day for the humans to survive was getting more and more taxing as their numbers grew rapidly. But we needed them as much as they needed us and this was my job. I sighed and looked out to my right toward the Plains of Nyssa.
Persephone should be returning any moment now. I felt guilty for sending her off with the Oceanids so much lately, but I have been so busy and I couldn’t bear the thought of her seeing me so weak. I would make time for her to travel with me back to the city to teach the mortals how to harvest and maintain their new plants. She always liked interacting with the mortals, such a curious creature. I heard the nymph’s bubbling chatter and stood up to find my daughter. It was easy to spot her golden hair, a match for mine. I frowned, unable to find her in the crowd. My heart began to race. I caught her friend, Calypso, by the arm.
“Calypso, is Persephone with you,” I asked gently, trying to hold back my panic.
“Of course, she just fell a bit behind.” Calypso pointed back where she came and I saw my daughter pop into view.
“Thank you.” I nodded to Calypso as she moved on with her sisters. Persephone came springing into view, a notable skip in her step. A single narcissus was tucked into the hair behind her left ear. She greeted me and I drew her into a hug. It seemed like she always smelled of flowers and sunshine. We walked along a dirt path uphill where our temple could be seen. I used to reside mainly on Mount Olympus but it was easier to keep Persephone safe farther away from the arrogance of the other Olympians. I also needed to be closer to the earth more and more to perform my job. Beside me, Persephone was humming softly to herself.
“Did you have a more exciting day than usual, Kore?”
The use of her nickname seemed to snap her from her daydream. She thought about what she was going to say for a moment. I grew concerned that she had met someone, then immediately felt guilty. I desperately wanted my daughter to be happy, especially since she seemed so removed lately. I just couldn’t bear the thought of someone taking advantage of her, so innocent and kind.
“Mm, yes. I went into the woods that border the Plain of Nysa today. I found this narcissus near the river there,” she pointed to the flower in her hair, “and hiked for a while. It was nice to do something besides lounging about.” She tried to catch my eye. I felt awful about leaving Kore out of my normal routine. She obviously wanted to help and I kept sending her away to save my own pride.
We stepped past the giant, white columns into the vast temple. In the back of the space was a bronze statue in my likeness with all sorts of bread, food, and wine offerings laid at its feet. A small plume of smoke rose from an incense stick that smelled of sandalwood. To the right of the statue were two statues, where Persephone and I would receive prayers. I headed to the statue and picked up two cups heavy with wine. I held one out for Kore.
“Would you like to come with me tomorrow to teach the mortals how to harvest and care for their new plants?”
Kore’s eyes lit up. “I would love to, mother.” She took the cup from my reach and took a large sip. The wine immediately stained her lips a deep red. I giggled as I brushed my thumb across her upper lip.
“Well, at least it’s a good color for you. Rest now, we’ll leave in the morning.”
The next day we walked down the hillside to the village just after the sun rose. Helios seemed to be taking a shorter and shorter path each day. The morning dew wet our feet as we traveled. Persephone was a bit more still this morning. She wore a more thoughtful expression than the daydreamy gaze she had yesterday.
“Mother, have you ever met Hades?”
My steps faltered for only a moment before I resumed stride. “Yes, of course.” What an odd question. Hades was not very often discussed, even among Olympians. His domain was just so different from most others in that he often did not need to interact with other gods to do his job.
“What is he like,” she asked. She was looking at me now, waiting to see my expression. She looked down after what I assume she saw was a shocked expression.
“Hard to say. I don’t interact with him very often since our jobs are almost opposites. In any case, Hades does not often leave the Underworld. He seems to enjoy his solitude and is very reserved. Why do you ask?”
Persephone was chewing on her lip, her brows furrowed in thought. It didn’t seem to be an answer she was expecting. She shook her head, her wavy hair bouncing around her.
“Just curious. I can’t recall ever meeting him,” she replied with a shrug. I blew out a breath. Of course she would be curious, she’s at least heard of every other Olympian. It was only coincidental; Hades really never left the underworld unless it was urgent, so there wouldn’t have been a time where they would have crossed paths. I didn’t really know much about him, but if Zeus was anything to base my opinion off of, I could assume he wasn’t very kind.
We fell back into silence for a while. Butterflies danced around us, tasting the sweet nectar of the wild flowers and deer chewed the plants all around. It brought me so much pride to see the life that thrived due to my work. It made all of the strain worth it. The joy that the beautiful nature brought Kore was my joy to share. I breathed in deeply, savoring the smell of the earth. As we drew close, I saw some mortals call out, big smiles on their faces. More and more faces joined the group. Kore’s face lit up in greeting as we approached the mortals. A stout, middle aged man stood a half step in front of the group. He anxiously glanced between my daughter and I, wringing his hands together.
“Good morning, goddesses,” he paused and took a moment to bow before us. “We thank you for graciously providing us with more crops. This will be enough to feed our whole village for the next season. Please take these offerings as a token of our gratitude,” he reached his arms out to his sides where two women had baskets full of fresh bread, wine, and an assortment of fruits. I reached out and took both of the baskets and gently set them down next to us.
“Thank you for your offerings. We have come to teach you how to care for these crops so you may flourish.”
Later that evening, I still felt restless from my conversation with Kore. I had carefully kept her hidden from her father and other pesky gods all her life to maintain our peace and her innocence.luckily her magic had matured similarly to mine, so it was easy to mask traces of her powers as my own.
However, if she had used her magic in the presence of another god or goddess there would be no denying its origin.
I finally sat up in bed. I needed some way to investigate further without giving away Kore’s existence to her father. I would need to remove her from her usual routine for a little while. Moonlight streamed across my face and I turned to it. Feeling inspired to act, I slid my feet into sandals and walked softly through the temple. I paused quickly to peer into Persephone’s chambers, but she was still fast asleep.
With soft steps, I strode through the back entrance of the temple. The night air was warm and balmy, cicadas chirping in the distance. The light of the moon was so bright I didn’t need to take a lantern with me to see. After a few minutes, I found the familiar dirt path that wound through grassy hills. I followed it over a hill and around the edge of a mass of trees. Here, the path split in three different directions. Just beyond the pathways was a wooden cottage. The windows were yellow with the light of many candles and a shadow danced back and forth inside. I strode up to the door. The air was fragrant with the flowers, herbs, and vegetation growing all around the front of the cottage. Vines of ivy creeped up the outside walls and big bushes of rosemary lined the sides of the front door.
I pulled the knocker on the door and knocked 3 times, the bells on it jingling loudly. The creak of the floors did not slow as I heard a voice telling me to enter. I was immediately hit with the heady scent of burning incense. I turned the corner of the entryway into the kitchen where Hecate was diligently chopping away. She had multiple jars filled with different herbs lined up next to her as she chopped ginger root and dumped it into an empty jar. Hecate glanced up as I pulled out the chair closest to her and sat down.
“Good evening, Demeter. You’re up late tonight,” she greeted me.
I often came here when I couldn’t sleep. Hecate and I had always been very close. The Goddess of Witchcraft was a master herbalist and held the same appreciation for nature and agriculture as I did. We often exchanged knowledge with each other. I taught her how to grow her own plants so she didn’t have to scavenge as often and she taught me how to utilize them for magic, food, protection, salves, and teas. She was also a calming person to talk to. She often had a path forward regardless of the issue. I could also always count on her to be awake late at night when I couldn’t sleep. She always claims the best work is done by the light of the moon.
“So,” she sang, dragging the sound out. She carried the jar of ginger over to a large black pot that hung over a low fire. On the way she grabbed a pitcher of water sitting on the windowsill above the counter behind her. The water seemed to glow with the light of the moon it had been absorbing. The wood crackled and popped as she dumped the jar of ginger and moon water into the pot. She gave the concoction a quick stir with a wooden spoon. “What thoughts burden you tonight?”
“It was just something Persephone had mentioned in passing today,” I sighed. Hecate threw a glance over her shoulder urging me to continue. “She asked if I’d met Hades and if I knew what he was like. She seemed disappointed that I hadn’t spoken to him very much. She just hasn’t ever seemed so interested in someone else before.”
I propped my elbows up on the table and rested my chin in my hands. I felt exhausted but my mind would not let me rest. The human population was growing too rapidly for me to keep up. Hecate ladled the liquid into two cups and brought one of them to me. She sat down across from me, her brows furrowed together as she took in my words.
“Well of all the gods to take interest in, at least she chose Hades.” Hecate mumbled as she swirled her drink around.
I felt myself perk up. I had forgotten that Hecate spends a lot of her time as a resident of the Underworld. She was one of a very few who had the ability to traverse between kingdoms freely. She must have spent more time with Hades than anyone else.
“What is he like,” I asked finally.
Hecate combed her fingers through her long black hair. She was quiet for a moment before settling on a response. “He’s devoted to his kingdom and his people. He’s reserved and stern, but a fair ruler and kind. Lately he’s been lonely,” she said, staring off into the distance. She looked down into her cup and hummed to herself.
I couldn’t help a snort escape me. Loneliness was often easily solved by the gods. They often found lovers of any kind to fill their time with. Although Hades was more removed from most humans and other gods, there was no way that it would be enough to deter him from finding someone to ensnare. Hecate seemed to speak kindly of him though and she was an introverted goddess herself.
“I think she was just asking about Hades out of curiosity, but if it bothers you that much I’ll keep a closer eye on her. She can start an apprenticeship with me to keep herself busy and away from any unsavory gods,” Hecate said and brought the cup to her.
I sighed and brought the amber liquid to my lips. The flowery taste instantly coated my tongue. I felt its warmth trickle through me as I watched the leaves settle back at the bottom of the cup. An apprenticeship would be nice. I’ve been meaning to have Persephone learn herbology and study witchcraft with Hecate. It would come in handy as she grew into her power. Studying would also keep her busy while I investigated further.
“It would make me feel better. I might be overreacting but I’d rather her be safe.”
“You aren’t overreacting. I know you want to keep her safe and based on your own experiences you have the right to be afraid. We will watch her and keep her out of danger together.” Hecate declared slamming down her empty cup.
I smiled. “Thank you, my friend.” I took another sip from my cup, emptying the liquid and leaving behind clumps of leaves at the bottom. “What is this,” I asked, pointing to my cup.
“A calming tea,” Hecate said softly as she took my cup. She peered down into the cup I had drunk from and swirled it around a few times. She looked a bit perplexed and set the empty cups down behind us. “You looked as if you could use it. I fear you’re spreading yourself too thin.” She got up and went back to the pot over the fire. She dropped a few cinnamon sticks into the pot and began stirring. “I have to travel for the next 10 days but when I return I will train Persephone.”
She took a large jar from the shelf above her and ladled more of the tea into it. She sealed it with a cork and whispered something under her breath. She turned around and placed the jar on the table in front of me to take with me. I yawned, starting to feel the effects of the calming tea. I grabbed the jar and thanked her, finally feeling a bit lighter.
Nothing good came from a summons from Zeus. It was hard to gauge how bad this would be since he deemed the information too sensitive for Hermes to pass along. I didn’t like venturing to Olympus unnecessarily; it detracted from my duties. Honestly, I didn’t feel as welcome as all the other Olympians either. They saw me as an outsider due to my kingdom being so different from the others. The sky, earth, and ocean all meet together, but the Underworld borders none.
I stood off to the corner of Zeus’s temple. The entire inside looked like it was made from the fluffiest cumulus clouds, but was solid as stone to the touch. Zeus spoke in a low voice to Hermes from his seat upon his throne. Hermes’ golden curls bounced as he shook his head from side to side. He was obviously displeased with whatever Zeus had to say but raced off anyway, the golden wings on his sandals beating quickly. He jumped from the edge of the cloud and began flying southward.
Zeus watched as he left, absently stroking his dark beard. I took this as my time to walk up. I cleared my throat as I approached, alerting him of my arrival. He suddenly dropped his hand, unaware of my presence. He broke out in a grin.
“Hades, thanks for coming. I know this is a rare occurrence but a necessity.”
“It’s also a rarity that I’m summoned personally,” I nodded to him in acknowledgement and waited for his response. His smile never faltered as he reached into his gray tunic and fumbled for something in a breast pocket.
“I have a favor I need to ask that only you can take care of.” He pulled out what looked to be a torn piece of a golden robe.
He held it out to me but I crossed my arms over my chest. I could feel my nose wrinkle in disgust. The piece of cloth had to be from one of Zeus’ newest victims, or lovers, as he would rather them be called. I knew that touching the thing would make me an accomplice and subject me to a chase I had no time for.
“I refuse to be a part of your affairs. Who was it this time?” I said, malice dripping from my tone.
I kept my voice low. Although, Hera always came to find out somehow; it was likely she had eyes and ears everywhere. Zeus’ grin wavered a moment, a sharp look coming into his gaze. There was the cunning and wrathful god that usurped his father, always lurking just beyond his carefree demeanor. I kept my face blank. He was not stronger than me, but he was more prone to using trickery or intimidation to get what he wanted. I couldn’t back down or allow him any leverage.
“There's no need to be hostile, Hades. That’s no way to talk to a god, especially when you’ve been sniffing around his daughter.”
I froze. Gods help me, he couldn’t be referring to what I think he is. Demeter wouldn’t be dumb enough to incur the wrath of Hera just for a child. Unless, of course, it wasn’t her choice to begin with. Bile formed in the back of my throat. I clenched my jaw, refusing to break his stare. Was meeting Persephone truly accidental or had he used his daughter to get to me? I would need to choose my next words very carefully. Lying would get me nowhere since he’d obviously planned this from the start.
“I didn’t know Persephone was your daughter.”
Zeus chuckled, obviously happy with my lack of denial. “I didn’t either until I had sent Hermes to fetch you a few days ago and discovered an unknown goddess walking with you. I watched her travel all the way back to the temple of Demeter and managed to connect the dots. Her mother has done an excellent job of hiding her from me.”
He waved his hands over the floor. The clouds shifted and swirled until a meadow of flowers appeared. Sitting among them was Persephone chatting with Artemis, her golden hair spilling behind her as she tilted her head back in laughter. My eyes were glued there, she was magnificent to look at and to be around. I felt the warmth of her smile in the darkest depths of my being. I squeezed my eyes shut, the bright image of her into the inside of my eyelids. I had unknowingly put her into so much danger. I should have never left the Underworld. But now that I’ve known what could be, it would be even harder to return.
“I wouldn’t ask a favor from someone like you for free. I’m proposing an exchange of sorts,” Zeus’ booming voice brought me back to the current situation. I glanced down at the golden fabric still clutched in his hand and wet my lips quickly.
“What is your proposal?” I was shocked to hear myself answer. I shouldn’t even entertain this idea. Zeus is not one to make fair bargains; he prefers to gain more than he gives. Agreeing to this would mean becoming an accomplice in his infidelities. Somehow I still waited for his response, catching sight of Persephone racing Artemis on foot in my peripheral.
“If you hide this in the underworld for me,” he said, waving the cloth in front of him. “I’ll give you Persephone’s hand in marriage.”
I shook my head. It was too big of a reward for there not to be a catch. I had been dealing with Zeus too long to fall for a lopsided deal. My heart still raced with the prospect of having Persephone as my wife. A partner to ease the loneliness of the dark underworld, that’s what I had been yearning for all this time. I didn’t think it would be possible for me to connect with another soul, but she seemed as lonely and restless as me. And yet she remained as positive and radiant as the sun.
“Why can’t you just destroy the evidence,” I asked, nodding to the fabric.
“Hera has been…wary of my personal endeavors. She would sense the magic I used and be able to trace it. If you simply take the item, it will be as if it never existed. She will not journey to the underworld to look for it. No one would.”
This is true. Not even gods and goddesses like venturing into my kingdom unless it is absolutely necessary. She shouldn’t have a reason to suspect me at all or come looking for it. That leaves the other part of the bargain to be flawed.
“I would want to ask Persephone’s opinion first. I don’t even know if she has feelings for me and, unlike you, I have no thrill in taking maidens against their will.”
Zeus tsked condescendingly and a fake look of concern crossed his face.
“I’m afraid you can’t do that. It seems your meetings have sparked Persephone’s interest. She’s been asking Demeter about you and it’s sent her into high alert,” Zeus waved his hand again and the image of Persephone and Artemis keeled over and out of breath shimmered. It was replaced by Demeter and Hecate sitting at a table inside a cottage. They both had cups of steaming liquid in front of them. Demeter looked exhausted, her golden appearance seeming more dulled than normal. Hecate reached out and patted her hand comfortingly.
“I think she was just asking about Hades out of curiosity, but if it bothers you that much I’ll keep a closer eye on her. She can start an apprenticeship with me to keep herself busy and away from any unsavory gods,” Hecate said and brought the cup to her lips. Demeter sighed and mirrored her actions.
“It would make me feel better. I might be overreacting but I’d rather her be safe.”
“You aren’t overreacting. I know you want to keep her safe and based on your own experiences you have the right to be afraid. We will watch her and keep her out of danger together.” Hecate declared slamming down her empty cup. Demeter smiled at her and thanked her.
“Demeter will never let you close enough to her daughter again; she is her pride and joy.” Zeus’ voice cut through the haze as the image dissipated and the clouds once again reformed under the throne. He looked a bit irritated by this fact, although I couldn’t understand why. Zeus rarely wanted to continue contact with his previous lovers and children. He usually only wanted involvement if they were especially powerful, like Athena.
“Then I cannot agree to this. I need to know that this is what Persephone chooses.” It is not a choice that is to be taken lightly. She would have to not only agree to love me, which was no easy task in itself, but also leave her world behind to become a permanent resident of the underworld. Zeus tapped his fingers against the armrest of the throne thoughtfully.
I could hear the faint beat of wings in the distance, announcing Hermes’ return. There was a light thump as he landed on the edge of the temple. He sounded almost out of breath, obviously traveling very quickly to wherever Zeus had sent him. Zeus’ tapping had ceased and he looked expectantly at Hermes. I turned just in time to see Hermes give a slight nod, refusing to make eye contact with me. It was off putting to see Hermes, who was a frequent visitor of the underworld, to be so stern. He often led lost souls to Charon and delivered messages to me and could be so gentle and chattery. Here, he looked nearly menacing and cold. He looked the part of Zeus' diligent messenger.
“I assumed you would say that and have prepared a circumstance where Persephone can communicate her interest to you without words,” Zeus said. My head whipped around. He had clearly thought this through very well. Again the area under the throne shifted and changed until I was staring at an empty field save for one perfectly bloomed narcissus flower. “If Persephone has agreed to be your wife, tomorrow she will travel here to the east most area of Plain of Nysa by herself and pluck this narcissus from the ground when Helios is highest in the sky,” Zeus finished proudly.
He waited patiently for my response. I was unsettled, I don’t know how I could have been so careless to not realize Zeus had been spying on me for a while. He had to have known what the narcissus meant to me. On the other hand, it was a very specific set of instructions. If Persephone did all of these steps upon her free will there would be no mistaking her intent.
“Do you swear she will be acting on her own free will? Promise me that you have not persuaded her,” I said, pointing an accusatory finger at him. He held up his hands with his palms out to me.
“I swear,” he said solemnly. The air crackled with static as the oath was sealed.
Feeling satisfied that all possible paths of trickery were exploited, I extended my hand. Zeus’ face crinkled with the big grin spread across his face. He forcefully grasped my hand. Behind me, I heard Hermes’ sharp intake of breath.
“You have a deal,” I stated. Little blue tendrils of electricity zapped around our clasped fingers as the deal was sealed between us. In the handshake, Zeus had already pressed the golden cloth into my palm. I tucked it in an inside pocket in my tunic.
“I wish you a long and prosperous marriage,” Zeus replied with a nod of his head. I gave a stiff nod back and turned to leave. I had many preparations to make before noon tomorrow. If she did decide to join me in marriage, I would need to make the Underworld comfortable for her. I couldn’t let myself dwell on the fact that she could simply not show up. The glittering light of hope was just enough to keep me moving forward. On my way out Hermes’ eyes flickered to me.
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” he said under his breath.
I hoped so too.
I hummed to myself as I strode through the plains, my destination beyond the treeline ahead. My mother would be back late tonight, she had to travel to a distant human territory. Their crops had contracted some sort of disease that was preventing fruits from growing and their leaves to spot and wither. I offered my help but the task was beyond my set of skills. I worried about my mother, she seemed to be under the weather herself. Her normal glow was a bit dampened. I continued to offer but she waved me off saying she would go to observe the damage first, then call for me when needed.
The Oceanids were also a bit more lethargic this afternoon. We swam back and forth across the lake all morning, trying to see who could aim the farthest in one breath. I never won but I did make it further today than I usually did. Afterwards, we plopped onto the bank, allowing our skin to dry. The warmth of the sun had caused most of them to doze off. I would have as well if I had not been buzzing with the thought of visiting Hades in the woods. It was so exciting to have this small secret to myself.
Halfway to the treeline, I noticed a beautiful group of poppies growing in a circle to my left. I hadn’t noticed their bright red petals the last time I had walked this way. A few yards ahead was the bright yellow tops of dandelions swaying in the breeze. Up close I noticed perfect little daisies littered among the dandelions. Just beyond that was a group of more wildflowers. It looked like a perfect trail of flowers continued off into the distance. Thoroughly baffled, I followed the trail for a while, the lake disappearing from view.
The trail seemed to end right at the most perfectly bloomed narcissus flower. Feeling my heart flutter I swooped down and bent the yellow center toward me. I plucked it from the ground, bringing it up to my face to smell. I yelped as a deafening crack rippled through the empty field. I fell back in shock as the earth seemed to split right where the flower had been. It was as if the singular flower had held the very ground together. The crack was growing rapidly, dirt crumbling and falling into the center. Picking myself up I turned and bolted in the other direction. I could hear the rapid beat of my heart thumping in my ears as I ran. The sound grew into a symphony of thumps and I realized it wasn’t my heart I was hearing. My stomach dropped as I caught sight of a group of skeletal horses racing toward me. Their black, empty sockets trained on my running form. Their bones rattled together as they raced forward. I pushed myself faster, my legs burning with the effort.
The lake was just beginning to come into view when I tripped on a lone rock. The world tilted as I jerked forward. The wind was knocked from my lungs, not as I hit the ground, but as I was hoisted in midair. Now, I was viewing the undead horses from behind. I was within a black carriage, racing over the jagged scar in the earth. I beat my hands against the hands that still held me and kicked my feet against the knees of my captor. I heard him grunt as my kick connected but the grip did not loosen.
“Let me go!” I was screaming. The horses made a wide turn as we began back toward the origin of the split, where the cavity in the ground seemed the deepest.
“Stop, you’ll fall,” he grit out.
I stopped altogether, afraid to turn around. I knew that voice. Of course this was my fault, I had ignored all my mother’s warnings and my common sense. What was I thinking, meeting a stranger in the woods? Now I was trapped in Hades’ grasp, all alone with no one to come to my aid. The carriage began to dip as we closed in on the gap. Oh gods, he was going to drag me into the Underworld. Panicking I screamed louder and kicked more frantically. Hades grip only tightened as we descended.
“Zeus, please! Help me!” It was all I could think to say. If anyone could stop someone as powerful as Hades it would be Zeus. Maybe he would take pity on his daughter. But I heard nothing in response as the blue sky was slowly diminishing above me. The earth was swallowing me whole and there was no way out.